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Half-Life 2 for Mac poster

One-half-Life ii free Mac Game

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Half-Life two is a 2004 get-go-person shooter (FPS) game developed and published by Valve. Like the original One-half-Life (1998), it combines shooting, puzzles, and storytelling, and adds features such as vehicles and physics-based gameplay. Players control Gordon Freeman, who fights against the alien Combine with allies including resistance fighter Alyx Vance, using weapons such as the object-manipulating gravity gun.

The game was created using Valve's Source engine, developed alongside. Development lasted five years and cost US$40 million. Valve president Gabe Newell set his team the goal of redefining the FPS genre, focusing on advanced physics systems and non-role player characters. Valve announced One-half-Life 2 at E3 2003 and released it through its new distribution service Steam after delaying information technology by over a twelvemonth. A year before release, a hacker stole an unfinished version and leaked it online.

One-half-Life ii received acclaim for its avant-garde physics, animation, sound, AI, graphics, and narrative. It won 39 Game of the Yr awards, and has been cited as one of the greatest games of all time. By 2011, it had sold 12 one thousand thousand copies. Information technology was followed past the episodic sequels Episode One (2006) and Episode Ii (2007). A prequel, Half-Life: Alyx, was appear in 2019.


Similar the original Half-Life (1998), Half-Life ii is a single-histrion first-person shooter in which players control Gordon Freeman. It has like mechanics to Half-Life, including wellness-and-weapon systems and periodic physics puzzles, except with the newer Source engine and improved graphics. The player too starts without items, slowly building upward their armory over the grade of the game. Despite the game'southward mainly linear nature, much effort was put into making exploration rewarding and interesting; many optional areas can be missed or avoided.

A diverse ready of enemies is present, which normally require being approached with unlike tactics: some coordinate in groups to out-maneuver or out-position the actor; others, such as the Manhack, fly directly at the player through small-scale openings and tight corridors. Others apply predictable but powerful attacks, while others hide before swiftly attacking the actor. Gordon tin kill almost enemies with his weapons, or make use of indirect means, exploiting ecology hazards such as explosive pressurized canisters, gas fires or improvised traps. For some portions of the game, Gordon can exist joined past up to 4 armed Resistance soldiers or medics and tin can send his team further from him or phone call them back.

Many of the game's new features employ its detailed physics simulation. Ii sections of the game involve driving vehicles. Instead of button-orientated puzzles from Half-Life, environmental puzzles are also introduced with makeshift mechanical systems, revolving around the thespian's new power to pick up, move, and place objects. Solutions involve objects' physical properties, such as shape, weight, and buoyancy. For example; In affiliate iii, "Road Kanal", the player is required to stack cinder blocks on a makeshift see-saw ramp to proceed over a wall. Alternatively, the player can build a crude staircase with the blocks, and then the puzzle may be solved in multiple ways.

Part-way through the game, Gordon acquires the Gravity Gun, which allows him to describe distant objects towards himself or forcefully push button them away, as well as the ability to manipulate larger and heavier objects that he cannot control without the weapon. These abilities are required to solve puzzles later on in the game, and can also be used to great effect in combat, as any non-static object inside proximity to the thespian has the potential to be used every bit a makeshift defense, such equally a file cabinet, or a mortiferous projectile, such as a gasoline tin can or buzzsaw blade.

The game never separates the player with pre-rendered cutscenes or events; the story proceeds via exposition from other characters and in-world events, and the histrion can command Gordon for the entirety of the game. Much of the backstory to the game is simply alluded to or told through the environment.


Some years after Gordon Freeman and other scientists accidentally opened a portal to a dimension of hostile aliens at the Black Mesa Inquiry Facility, Freeman is awoken from stasis by the mysterious G-Man. The portal attracted the attending of the Combine, a technologically superior multidimensional empire which conquered World in 7 hours. The Combine has implemented a savage law land past biologically assimilating humans and other species, and preventing humans from breeding via a "suppression field". The G-Man inserts Gordon into a train arriving at City 17, site of the Combine Citadel, where Dr. Wallace Breen, the former Black Mesa administrator who negotiated Earth'south surrender governs equally the Combine's boob ruler.

Subsequently eluding Combine forces, Gordon joins resistance members including Barney Calhoun, a one-time Black Mesa security baby-sit working hugger-mugger every bit a Combine police officer; Dr. Eli Vance, erstwhile Blackness Mesa scientist and leader of the resistance; Alyx Vance, Eli's daughter; and Dr. Kleiner, an eccentric Blackness Mesa scientist. Afterwards a failed attempt to teleport to the resistance base, Blackness Mesa East, from Kleiner'southward makeshift laboratory, Gordon progresses on foot through the city'south culvert system. He obtains an airboat and battles his fashion to Black Mesa Due east, several miles from the metropolis.

Gordon is reintroduced to Eli and meets another resistance scientist, Dr. Judith Mossman. Alyx introduces Gordon to her pet robot D0g and gives him a "gravity gun", an musical instrument that can manipulate large objects. Black Mesa Due east comes under Combine attack, and Eli and Mossman are taken to Nova Prospekt, a Combine prison. Separated from Alyx, Gordon detours through the zombie-infested boondocks of Ravenholm, assisted by its last survivor, Male parent Grigori. Escaping the town, Gordon discovers a resistance outpost. He uses a customized dune buggy to travel a crumbling littoral road to Nova Prospekt, encountering Combine patrols and helping the resistance fend off raids.

Gordon lays siege to Nova Prospekt, using pheromone pods to command the hordes of alien antlions that infest the coast. He reunites with Alyx in the prison house and they locate Eli but detect that Mossman is a Combine informant. Before they can end her, Mossman teleports herself and Eli back to Metropolis 17's Citadel. The Combine teleporter explodes every bit Gordon and Alyx use it to escape Nova Prospekt.

Returning to Kleiner's lab, Gordon and Alyx larn that the teleporter malfunctioned and that a calendar week has passed; in their absence, the resistance has fully mobilized against the Combine. In battle, Alyx is captured by the Combine and taken to the Citadel; Gordon fights his way inside with the assist of D0g and Barney. A Combine "confiscation bedroom" destroys all of Gordon's weapons but the gravity gun, which is inadvertently supercharged by the forcefield, assuasive Gordon to fight his way up the Citadel.

Gordon is captured in a Combine transport pod and taken to Breen's office, where he and Mossman are waiting with Eli and Alyx in captivity. Breen explains his plans to further conquer humanity with the Combine, contrary to what he told Mossman. Angry, Mossman frees Gordon, Alyx, and Eli earlier Breen can teleport them off-world. Breen tries to escape through a portal, simply Gordon destroys the portal reactor with the gravity gun. Just earlier the Citadel is destroyed in an ensuing explosion, time is frozen. The Chiliad-Human being reappears, praising Gordon for his deportment in City 17. Making vague mention of "offers for Gordon'south services", the M-Man places him back into stasis.

Screenshots from the game Half-Life 2

System requirements One-half-Life ii for Mac Os:

  • Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - 10.11.x
  • Processor: Intel Core Solo
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • Video Card: 1 GB
  • Free difficult bulldoze infinite: 10.4 GB

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